Or, you can type the quick part name in a message (not necessarily the whole name, just a unique part of it) and press F3.

To put a quick part into an email, choose the needed one from the gallery. To create a new item, type your text in a message, select it and click Insert tab > Quick Parts > Save Selections to Quick Part Gallery. In all other respects, Quick Parts and AutoText are essentially the same. The only difference between them is that the items reside in different galleries. In recent versions, both types are available. Quick Parts is the modern replacement of AutoText in Outlook 2003 and earlier. oft templates are meant to constitute an entire message, quick parts are kind of smaller building blocks. Aside from text, they can also include graphics, tables, and custom formatting. Quick Parts are reusable snippets of content that can be quickly added to an email message, appointment, contact, meeting request, and task. Supported versions: web app Quick Parts and AutoText To have the template inserted in an email, just click its name on the pane. Or you can type and format text in the message window, and then copy/paste - all the formatting will be preserved.

To make your own one, click on the + Template button and enter the template's title and body in the corresponding boxes. The My Templates pane will show up with a few default samples ready to use. In the bottom right corner of the New Message window, click the ellipsis button (…), and then click My Templates. To make use of it, this is what you need to do: Like many other useful features, this one is hidden from immediate view. However, the options here are not so extensive - a template can contain small images and basic formatting, but it's not possible to preset email fields or attach files. oft files in the desktop version, these do not require a ton of menu clicks to open.
In-depth tutorial: How to create and use Outlook email templates Email templates in web app